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28 января 2006 г.


“Гёте как-то сказал, что на юге Европы он видел «чёрных девушек и белый
хлеб», а на севере Европы «белых девушек и чёрный хлеб»” (Constantin
von Hoffmeister “Manifesto Of Aryan Anti-Fascism”). На самом деле хлеб
Европы кровавый, и кровь эта не высохла до сих пор, а, напротив, всё
ещё сочится из глубоких крестных ран, кои зияют на похолодевших дланях
и стопах её. Быть может, когда-то хлеб и имел цвет – «белый»
или «чёрный», но ныне он другой, незнакомый, страшный… Мученический
цвет плащаницы Последних Святых Государей, преданных ненасытными
бунтующими толпами, коим однажды стало мало «хлеба насущного», и тогда
покусились они на самое ценное - Хлеб Господень! «Дай хлебца, Господи!
Дай!». Но вместо «Отче Наш» охрипшие от ора пассионарные глотки
блаженно заревели «Это есть наш последний и решительный…» и, сокрушив
прикладами Царские Врата, сами проникли в Алтарь, дабы «взять своею
собственной рукой…». Утолила ли нищую жажду прокажённых Кровь Христова,
кою жадно, проливая на отяжелевшие от налипшей грязи залатанные шинели,
пили они из Чаши, пьяно отплясывая на ликах образов и раздирая на
портянки хоругви? Затем, выйдя наружу, объявили они самым нетерпеливым,
что смотрели на них доверчивыми глазёнками малолетних
несмышлёнышей: «Да врут всё! Это обычный перебродивший сок виноградной
лозы. А ну, нечего тут стоять! Быстро расходитесь по домам! Богоявления
не будет!».
Когда Пламенеющая Звезда покинула засаленные пергаментные листы
запретных гримуаров и опалила весеннее злато Креста, кто-то «другой»,
в «белом венчике из роз» (и понял тогда поэт, «кого» породило перо
его, но поздно уже было и дождливо – а выстрелы то уже гремели, стучали
пулемёты и наполнялись до краёв свежевырытые канавы…), прошёл по
вымершим улицам северного города-кладбища, ведя за собой безмолвные
дымные полчища, от которых нестерпимо несло едким хуторским самосадом и
прокисшей печенежской овчиной. Но кто-то ведь подумал, что это не иначе
как само Войско Ангельское сошло на промёрзшую до костей землю,
истосковавшуюся по посеву, и ликующе вышел ему навстречу с пасхальным
куличом на расшитом рушнике… А выстрелы то уже гремели и вовсю стучали
пулемёты… Да бесновалась гармошка вдалеке, спятившая от дешёвого пойла
и дармовой закуски. И где-то там, за глухим горизонтом, прямо на краю
мiра, раздавленном льдами, всё брехали и брехали лагерные собаки…
Видел ли ты публичную могилу Европы, кою поминают ломтём чёрствого
хлеба да мутным, вызывающим скорую тошноту и тупую головную боль в
висках, самогоном в немытом гранёном стакане? Видел ли ты тех, кто по
привычке приходит на неё? Слышал ли ты песни, что поют они? Иногда это
даже «революционные» шлягеры вперемежку с искренними, неподкупными
ностальгическими слезами по великим временам радостного смертоубийства…
Громыхали пышные до неприличия парады, кумачовые знамёна развевались на
простуженном столичном ветру (как бы не захворать!), с трибун гремели,
брызгая слюной, нескончаемые ораторы, радио не умолкало даже ночью,
транслируя приветствия, послания, доклады и клятвы верности
пантеону «мудрецов-рефаимов из Шеола», а изувеченные пулями камни,
почерневшие от слёз Божьей Матери, продолжали хранить росчерк «брата
Каина»: “Ici par ordre de la force des tenebres le Tsar a ete sacrite
pour la destruction de l’Etat. Avic a tous les peuples…”. А всё та же
гармошка захлёбывалась разгульной кабацкой песней-стоном «про Волгу и
ЧеКа». И баржи с молящимися ссыльными иноками погружались в неподвижный
свинец вод, восходя по ним в Царствие Небесное…
Видел ли ты Европу, в чьих покинутых руинах, где наспех сделали
косметический ремонт, пробуждается и обретает совершенную форму
остывший пепел, усердно утрамбованный начищенными до дьявольского
зеркального блеска ласковыми сапогами чересчур хозяйственных
оккупантов? Пречистая белизна его ослепляет мнящих себя зрячими и
делает их слепыми и беспомощными, словно это мокрые новорождённые
котята, просящие материнского молока...
Господь покинул Рим мой… В Риме моём настежь распахнуты двери и выбиты
окна… В Риме моём не слышно счастливых голосов, ибо шёпот – сдавленный,
тягучий шёпот сгнившего заживо на урановом руднике зэка - сменил их… В
Риме моём, превращённом в цивилизованный загон для послушных
перекормленных стад, бестолково топчущих крылья поверженных бронзовых
Эй, кто это там, на сторожевой вышке, снова поигрывает заряженным
наганом и тычет искривлённым пальцем с жёлтым обломавшимся ногтём в
Пламенеющую Звезду? Эй, кто это там опять закурил «Беломор», запустил
моторы, сухо щёлкнул затворами и зажёг заводские топки, пообещав им,
как было условлено, ужасное топливо?
Римская политическая классика гласит: «Понятие свободы не абсолютно,
ибо в жизни нет ничего абсолютного. Свобода не право, а долг; не
подарок, а завоевание; не уравнение, но привилегия».
И не напомаженным идолам, претендующим на вышний Трон Удерживающего,
судить о том, ибо и сейчас пытаются они напялить на себя плащаницу
Государя – Грядущего и Вечного…
Истинные Вожди Былого приговорены и распяты – фарфоровые же болванчики
торжествуют, празднуя под адскую «Матаню» мгновение мнимой, но не
праведной, свободы!

See the gods bow their heads
The sun is setting in the west…

Рыдай же, факельный январь,
Исповедальными огнями
И кладки мёрзлые круши,
Пока на небе - перезвоны
(за звоном - прах, за прахом - темь),
А где-то здесь ещё поют,
Хоть в блиндажах дворняжий полдень
Ещё не начатой Войны…

А я молчу. И камни те же, те же…


<Осень – Зима 2006 г. от Р.Х.>

9 ноября 2006 г. 17:12:10

*КШАТРИЯ (трилистник I: Christus Venit!)*


Иридиевая тяжесть плит плацев девственно свежа от утреннего ливня,
смывшего смрадный жир чьих-то вязких обманов и страстей. Ибо в
необъятных садах вышних, где цветут душистые майские яблони и в ночи
заливаются ноктюрнами соловьи, Господь ударил в барабан, чья гулкая
маршевая дробь, подобная внезапному летнему грому, сотрясла картинно-
хрустальные верхушки рукотворных башен, нещадно терзающих облачную
серную горечь, иногда проливающуюся жгучей кислотой. На распухшем и
неповоротливом обрубке языка – кондитерско-резиновый привкус
операционного наркоза, прорицающий стремительно-скорый провал во
влажные земляные потёмки, протухшие лекарственной плесенью. О,
шоколадный, облитый глазурью, делириум, когда всевозможным страстям
приходит логически-безжалостный конец! Что ещё нужно мягко глупеющей
тряпичной кукле с забавными разноцветными пуговками вместо глаз?
Жестяная коробочка из-под монпансье вместо домовины и достойные, щедро
оплаченные бумажками фантиков за счёт конфетного правительства,
похороны под издевательское нестройное пение и кривляния собратьев-
паяцев из всемiрной труппы идиотов-сказочников (сказано: «Бойтесь
их!»). И когда раскалённый ланцет молнии пропорет брюхо небесной туши и
оттуда хлынет клокочущая медная вода, писклявые голосочки, сбившиеся в
кучку, фальшиво и неумело, коверкая слова, затянут: “Christus Venit!”.
И тощие ножонки, облачённые в безразмерные стоптанные башмаки, будут
тонуть в жидком глиняном навозе, а хилые ручонки с грязными
нестриженными ноготками кому-то важно и серьёзно грозить. Шарманка
игрушечно застонет, заскрипит, и выдаст некое подобие звуков, отдалённо
напоминающих плач “Gloria” Вивальди. Так кого же отпевают ныне? К чему
столь тщательно отрепетированное зрелище? Накануне какой пасхалии сие


Лобарум! Где фаланги твои воскресают из падали распада земного и
облачаются в невечернюю роскошь пурпура цезарей римских – ибо влажная
от вожделения пашня ныне ожидает посева нового!
Лобарум! Где в День Трубного Зова огнежар небесный раскаляет докрасна
плотный эфир и палит липкие гудронные луга, оставляя на них безобразные
гниющие струпья – ибо эхо колокола пепельного молчания есть начало
жизни новой!
Лобарум! Где ржаной духмяный каравай насытит всех призванных и верных –
ибо пекарь испёк добрые хлебы и извлёк их из жара печи!
Лобарум! Где студёная родниковая вода утолит, наконец, безконечную
жажду нашу – ибо вешние ливни долго рыдали в продрогшей ночи вселенской
и были слёзы их прянее и терпче самого выдержанного настоя!
Лобарум! Где в литейных формах застывает расплав металла – ибо Спас
Солнечный, Господь Мечегромный, Пастырь Гневный, Судия Человеческий –
искусный литейщик, коему ведомы образы невиданные, ибо быть им на
страже Царствия Небесного!
Лобарум! Где тягуче-кислый сок ягод винных перебродил в вино новое,
причастное – ибо Виночерпию ведом тот рассветный час, когда должно
наполнить чаши!

Лобарум! Где выси новые…


И в Дионисиевы Дни
Листать сожжённые страницы
Житий, писаний и псалмов,
Тщась непременно разгадать
Витиеватость ветхих Слов,
Чья очевидна простота.

В степях ордынских суховей
Скребёт курганную траву,
За космы треплет ковыли
И гонит бури на закат –
К границам кукольных империй,
Чьи повелители смешны
В бумажно-пышной мишуре.

Таков непреходящий фарс –
Увы, счастливые мертвы
И обретаются в гробницах,
Где неизменен парадиз.
Но темень, Господи, окрест -
Ни звёзд, ни окрика, ни всхлипа!
Всё так же ласковы штыки
И изверги благоухают.

В кромешных яровых снегах
Хоругвь восходит с Ликом Грозным,
Сзывая проданных бойцов…

Июль 2006 г.

6 июля 2006 г. 08:30:14
КШАТРИЯ (трилистник I: Christus Venit!)


I am sorry for my "very bad" English - I write the letter with the help
of the program-translator.

SALVE ESPARTANOS! TRADITION AND EUROPE! Good afternoon, dear friends &
comrades! My name is ALEXEY

ILYINOV - I am the coordinator of the Metapolitical Association “THULE

cultural reviews, poetry and prose, and also I draw banners for
site "THULE SARMATIA". I live in the city of

Voronezh, Southern Russia. The city where I live, stands on the river
Voronezh which runs into the great

Russian river Don. Voronezh has been founded in XVI century as a
fortress facing on border with by "the Wild

Field", whence Russia was attacked by aggressive Asian nomads. At the
end of XVII - the beginning of XVIII

centuries Russian Tsar Peter the Great built here the sea ships.
I was very much interested with your Magazine ESPARTA about which it
would be desirable to learn little bit

more: the purposes, problems, themes, a circle of readers. And still
very much it would be desirable to learn

about organization CULTURAL THULE - IBERIA PAENINSULA which you
represent. Ukrainian colleague Oleg


ricerca di basi di tradizione primordiale)) wrote, that you are closely
connected with legendary FALANGE

ESPANOLA, which among Russian right radicals is respected huge
respect! ! In Russia enough for a long time

functions RUSSIAN FALANGE (the leader - fine writer and publicist IGOR
LAVRINENKO, the author of set of

interesting publications about culture & tradition), but,
unfortunately, the organization does not have site,

but the newspaper leaves. It is the small circle of persons,
incorporated by base idea - idea of the European

Tradition, which resists to the "New World Order"!
Also I closely communicate with conservative-revolutionary radical-
monarchic organization Oprichnoe the

Brotherhood in the name of Sacred Saint Joseph Volotskiy*
(http://www.oprichnoebratstvo.narod.ru) (leader

- ANATOLY MAKEEV) which issues a line of interesting and informative
editions - magazines "Ultima Thule",

"European", "Blood and Spirit" ("Krov i Duh"), and also
newspapers "Russian Falange", "White Order" and

"Imperial Oprichnik"**. Members of the Brotherhood follow the
motto "Against The Modern World!" Also adhere

rigid counter-modernism under banners of European Conservative
Revolution! The Brotherhood rather critically

estimates the "neo-Euroasian" ideology which is propagandized by well-
known Alexander Dugin.
The Brotherhood also issues books. One of last books - ROMAN
BYCHKOV "HOLY EUROPE", which is devoted to

idea of "Arcana Europa" and the future European Empire. One more book -

(deprived Fire of Belief) the Fiery, Aristocratic Christianity is
opposed present Christianity. As a matter of fact

this book can be considered as the Russian aryan Christian manifest of
Last Crusade against "the modern

The member the Brotherhood, the poet and publicist SERGEY YASHIN also
will consist in edition of excellent

magazine "ATENEY" (http://www.ateney.ru) (the editor-in-chief - PAVEL

*The Sacred Saint Joseph Volotskiy was the confessor of Russian Tsar
Ivan of IV Terrible ("Grozniy") (rules

Russia in XVI century).

**Oprichnik - Imperial guards, some kind of "medieval SS".

!!! - Support our new intellectual project L'institut de l'analyse
strategique des systemes narratifs (IASSN) -


!!! - You could not write the small text (in English) about your
organization and your magazine? We could

translate him and place translation in our magazines. We shall be glad,
if you will translate to English your

basic manifest.

If probably, please, give the answer in English as Spanish I do not

P.S.: We shall be glad, if will give the links to our basic projects:

L'institut de l'analyse strategique des systemes narratifs (IASSN)
(Ukraine) (our new initiative!!!)

Metapolitical Association “THULE SARMATIA - IDEL - AZTLAN”
(The East Europe Division of Metapolitical Association “New Right

Gruppo di ricerca di basi di tradizione primordiale "MESOGAIA"

MESOEURASIA (La Nazione Eurasia - Ucraina)

ERDE UND EISEN (Alexey Ilyinov Web-page) (Russia)

OLEG GUTSULYAK: Traditionalist, Culturologist, Writer, Poet (Ukraine)


Conservative Vanguard Magazine "MRAKOBES" ("Russian Chaos" - Tradition -
National-Anarchism -

National-Futurism - Conservative Revolutionary Utopia) (Russia)

NBP - NATIONAL BOLSHEVIK PORTAL (Ideology - History - Culture - Style)

Once again forgive for my "bad" English!!!

Sincerely I hope, that we shall contact to you (and to be friends)



Against The Modern World!

With the best regards,
ALEXEY ILYINOV (Voronezh city, Southern Russia)
(Metapolitical Association “THULE SARMATIA - IDEL - AZTLAN”/Oprichnoe
the Brotherhood in the name of

Sacred Saint Joseph Volotskiy)

ERDE UND EISEN (Alexey Ilyinov Web-page) (Russia)


= Heroes Day =

When two eleven's meet: we shall think of you
When November calls: we shall sing of you
Your glory is like crystal, reflecting the sun's rays
Your banners rise again, on Heroes' Day
On Heroes' Day

In our comrades arms: we shall dream of you
When the war horn sounds: we shall be with you
Your memory leads us on, never to decay
With us once again, on Heroes' Day
On Heroes' Day

When on Vigrid's plain, we shall rise with you
When on Vigrid's plain, we shall fight with you
Your honour stands unbroken, your swords point the way
We'll meet you once again, on Heroes' Day
On Heroes' Day...

27 апреля 2006 г. 14:53:06

Ahnenerbe-Nacht und Nebel-CD (autrarkeia)

More odd dark cut up electronic/ noise from this very impressive label.
There is just total fucking weirdness going on here. Hums, drones,
drifts, odd splicing. Then back to deep electronic sounds and strings
then back to the Hums, Beeps and computer noises going on in the
background. It seems to be one continuous piece that has no beginning
nor end. I'm not really sure how to explain something like Ahnenerbe to
the casual music listener this is some advance material here. Its Dark,
Epic and Massive in sound. I would call it some of the most un nerving
Dark Ambient I've heard in a long time. Check it out but be warned its
may warp your mind.


Gustaf Hildebrand- Primordial Resonance-CD (Cyclic Law)

Cold Dark Bleak and very very Haunting Dark Ambient going on here . I
would Closely compare this with projects like Schloss Tegal, Profane
grace, Raison D etre and maybe even some of the darker Robert Rich
recordings. It gave's you the very much feeling of growing mad while
being trapped in space with no one else to talk to besides yourself and
you running out of that conversation a few yrs ago. The packaging with
all Cyclic law releases is beyond top notch a 6 panel A5 cardboard
setting. The music is something that you need to absorb before you can
even come close you understanding its chaos and beauty. I would suggest
4-5 listens before you even think about letting your opinions forum I'm
on my 3rd listen and I know I'm still missing things. Gustaf is clearly
a master of the Dark and occulist ambient realms. If you really explore
this release you will come in a novice and leave something far more.


Winter-CD (Beast of Prey)

1st off this is a label that caught my attention as there from Poland
and my As All die Project Just Signed for a CD with Audible Shadows
from Poland and They are now Carrying a few of our titles (Breast of
Prey I Mean). So I sent them an email and I've gotten this Gem I'm sure
most of North America will never hear. 1st Up is HERR a band that
impressed me so that I just did an upcoming interview with them. 2 of
these tracks are on there Cold Spring Debut but the one track 15 tokens
is not and is just as good as all other things they have done . Some of
the Best Neoclassic Neo folk out there in this day and age. Next up is
Der Arbbeiter a Project I know nothing of so we will de virginize
together here. This much more in the old school World Serpent Neo folk
with some rhymnic elements going on Its sound like if Dead Can Dance
was a Neo folk band if that helps at all. Neo Folk seems to like to add
the ethereal as of late. This is a lot more electronic then i normally
like but the vocals are what are keeping me here. This more like stuff
you would hear on Black Rain label. This guy sounds so much like
Brendan Perry its creepy. The 3rd track is the strongest and Most
Martial of them all very Puissance in feeling strong way to come out of
the 3 tracks. Lost the Electro stuff and we have a winner here. Next up
is Storm of Capricorn yet another new entry to me. This has much in
common wth Derniere Volonte if you like them your going to love Storm
of Capricorn. Haunting vocals an Neoclassic almost pop slickness to it
all . Most of the time the French vocals don't work for me and this is
one of those times. The music is impressive just not the vocals. again
there 3rd track is by far the strongest and again pulls them out oh
wait there are those French vocals damn it , it really ruins the
overall strong tracks. The Final Project on this is Ghosts of Breslau
lest us see how this very mixed release ends. Very impressive Dark
martial ambient intro to this project has already moved me to sit up
and listen . If you like Sophia or Tehom this is going to kick your
ass. God damn this is haunting, unnerving and down right amazing after
just two tracks. Ghosts of Breslau need to create a full length CD Asap
or email me and do a colab release with my As All Die project. This
and Herr make the CD for me Opens strong closes strong. This is a
ambient soundtrack for the feeling and mood of trench warfare. My head
bows to this project simply wonderful end to this 4 way CD.


Kreuzweg Ost | Edelrost-CD (Cold Spring)

Ok so the last time I heard this project is was a side project of the
Hollenthon/ Summoning members and they had released a very odd and
short just 30+ mins in length CD on Draenor (Napalm sub-label). As far
as the style not much has changed they have a lot in common with Novy
Sevt and Derniere Volonte with the more off the wall upbeat way they
create Martial/ Neofolk. I know this sounds odd but Kreuzweg Ost almost
sounds hopeful and happy at times. The very very odd Vocal samples that
almost sound sped up. I get the feeling of the Band When on (Jester
Records) from this project again if they were Martial Band. I'm never
sure if this project is tongue and cheek or not. I have a strong
feeling they are. Yet again a lot of these artists are adding Eastern
or Asian elements to mix up the sound and make it more interesting and
I'll tell you it does work but it almost seems like the new trend in
Martial music. After just 3 tracks this makes me want to take several
listens to digest this very bizarre Martial/ noise release.


Projekt Thule- blacksun rising-CD (Self Released)

I've never heard of projekt thule but this seems to be there 3rd
release and Douglas of Death in June does some vocals and lyric
writting here. The 1st track was a very uneventful 7 minutes of windy
ambient elements. The 2nd track is total DIJ and Der Blutharsch worship
lets see where it goes from here. There are some very mellow
neoclassical synth moments for tracks 3 & 4. This as alot of elements
of the more relaxing moments of Endura and Profane Grace. I'm getting a
very occultish vibe to all of this by Projekt thule. Track 6 as a very
bleak dark ambient backdrop with some odd ritualistic vocal idea going
on. Its a bit unnerving to say the least. I'm really enjoying this
track. The more i look into this project them more I see a Wodanist
element in there themes and this is making me pleased as well. With
Projekt Thule this will be a title you will have to take time to digest
and let its true feelings come over time. I will be listening this a
lot more on the longer darker winter nights ahead I'm sure. A release
to look for.


16 апреля 2006 г. 14:01:30
salons.vrn.ru (proxy)

HERR Interview

1. Give us the history about how HERR came about.

MS: I dug up the HERR concept some three years ago, at least, in the
literal sense. We could talk endlessly about the deeper rooted history,

I'm not sure whether this would lead to anything substantial.
Initially, I worked solo, for the sole purpose of releasing something
on a compilation

release that my friend and later cellist, Oskar, would be distributing
(Van Duytschen Bloet). In some sense, it was easier to start than it
was to do

anything else, soafter some time it leaked into the various peer-to-
peer internet sharing systems, where Mattias found it. He was very
enthusiastic and

since he waslooking into the possibility of starting a distribution
centre, he asked me if I would be able to release something on his
label. We did,

after far toolong, and by that time I had various friends working with
me on the same album. Troy, by then, whom I met earlier on the Death In
June mailing list,

was - being editor for the great Synthesis webzine - sent a promotional
CDR by Mattias, and made me aware of his own capacities by sending an
mp3 of his

contribution to Survival Unit. Bold as a man can be who writes
something from across the ocean, I invited him to join us.

TS: Mich is being very modest here! Having reviewed the first HERR
album for my website - very positively, I might add - I was already
bestowing Mich

with dollops of praise for his fine efforts and therefore by the time
the invitation was made it was a pretty easy decision for me to make.
I'm very

proud to be a member of the group and really do feel that we have a
bright future ahead of us. And particularly now that our Roman standard
has been

raised aloft by Cold Spring Records and Justin Mitchell himself has
kindly asked us to appear alongside Von Thronstahl (Germany) and

(Hungary) at the label's fifteenth anniversary celebrations.

MH: Mich invented this outfit. My contributions started with some
ranting and speeching. Right from the start Mich took matters quite
seriously. A

record was made and suddenly a concert was to be given to our own
surprise. In the meantime Troy had joined the band which gave us a lot


2. The tones and feeling of this release are very pagan and
ritualistic. Am I correct in this?

MS: I don't know. If it is you hear these tones and feelings, I'm not
really the one who can argue. Truth be told, we haven't done much with

themes concerning pagans. "Es regnet das Leben heraus" was, for me,
more about Europe than anything else - tales of victories, defeats,
sorrows and

hopes are more about the people than their religion. The Winter of
Constantinople even has an obvious theme of Saracens and

Orthodox Catholics and Joost van den Vondel, original (17th century)
writer of our next piece, was a pious Roman Catholic. So, we are
certainly not

explicitly trying to sound pagan or ritualistic. Indeed, I often
find 'ritualistic' to be synonymous with overly repetitive; something
one may

find interesting to dance to or something, but it's not much of an
engaging listening experience to me.

TS: I agree that the word 'ritualistic' can often be used with regard
to music which tends to be very repetitive - not that there's anything

with that when it appears in the right context, of course - but I think
our music is 'ritualistic' in a far deeper sense that actually
transcends the

music itself. Indeed, as far as I'm concerned our overall message tends
to echo certain spiritual and traditional aspects that have become
manifest at

other moments in history, but we certainly don't allow that fact to
limit our capacity to create new songs that effectively transmit these
concepts in

an original and innovative manner.

MH: It might sound pagan and or ritualistic but that's not something
we did on purpose. Repetition in music can be functional like in the
work of

Glass, Reich or Kraftwerk but terribly dull as well. We are not
interested in being dull. There is the fact however that we are
interested in tales of

mystery and imagination and history. And that is clearly to be heard in
the music.

3. Would this be your 1st project or do you have releases in other
names I may have heard of?

MS: Nothing you should have heard of, in any case I was planning to do
some work for soundtracks under another name, as well as something that

could effectively make use of hours and hours of instrumental music
that currently is 'pointless', so to speak. More news on that later on.

MH: I am currently experimenting some sound material with a more
primitive and raw sound. I don't know when and or the time will be
there to unleash it

upon the poor world.

TS: Along with my daughter, Maria, I recently wrote and recorded a
track ('Awakening & Bravery') for the latest Survival Unit
album, 'Continuity',

which is basically a very angry rant about capitalist greed and some of
the methods in which it should be challenged.

4. The Roman Empire-based images and themes tie into what part of the
over all view or Philosophy of the project?

MS: HOLY Roman Empire (about a millennium later), although the
confusion may be justified, based on the one being the source of
inspiration to the

other. This is, however, the main similarity between the two empires,
an indeed, the time transcending inspiration of this inspiration
itself tie

into the very subject matter of HERR. I would not say we are
desperately hoping to 'revive' the 'good ol' days' or something like
that, but HERR does, in a way, describe

how ideas, belief, desires and the very feelings that make up history
return throughout the generations. I would call that the essence of
inspiration, my guess is Troywould call this the

blood within blood...

TS: A few years ago it suddenly dawned on me that people who have
children of their own never actually die. These future generations
always carry

within their veins the potential values that continue to make Europe
what it is. Not the Europe we see when we look around us today, of
course, but the

underlying values which can never be fully erased. Thus, of course,
whilst one generation of humans can be worthless and degenerate, a

generation may produce the avatars that can once again restore the
archetypal values of Europe's hidden tradition. The best aspects of the

past, therefore, will always be lurking in the wings and waiting for
another chance to shine on the stage of history. But I must stress that

does not necessarily mean repetition or imitation. Who knows what forms
the European spirit will assume in the future?

MH: As can be seen in the terrific BBC series I Claudius the rulers of
the Roman Empire were not all flawless leaders of men. It's
questionable whether

one should want a total return to that time . Nonetheless it was a most
inspiring age in history and great accomplishments were achieved in

of art, science, warfare, architecture. People tend to forget the past
so easily. The Western Roman Empire is better known than the Eastern

Empire but to see an example of the latter's influence on todays Europe
one might compare the Codex Justinian - after Emperor Justinian - to

European books of law and see amazing similarities.

5. I love the Neo-Folk, Neoclassic and Experimental elements of the
music the mysterious voices, the piano, guitar and strings all
interplay so

well with the massive percussion. Did it take much time to come up with
the concept?

MS: Firstly: thanks. I'm not sure how I should answer that question;
as you might suspect this is not something you think of consciously. It

rather that I love classical music, have played classical guitar for
years and at some point you want to do something different. This is

motivation, and took about as long as HERR existed (which isn't long
by any standard), for it describes the process of the concept

itself - unbound by any limits other than our own capacities. "Vondel's
Lucifer", the album which we are currently working on, will hopefully
put an

end to all stereotype-inspired comparisons with bands that are labeled
these days as "Martial Music"; it will have some militant moments, to
be sure

(since they are also mentioned in the 17th century script), but these
are only side-notes to the tragedy that surrounds the fall of heaven.

TS: I don't think any of us actually sat down and tried to define a
single concept that would actually epitomise the nature of the group,
it's more a

question of how several individuals - from diverse backgrounds - can
collaborate in a way that can effectively bring to life a combination of

what each of us has to offer. None of us could have predicted the
direction HERR would take and I like that kind of spontaneity. I think
that having

some kind of formulated script or preconceived blueprint would be
extremely dull and predictable. Another interesting factor is that each
of us has

blossomed within the group environment and our growing confidence is
continually allowing us to experiment with new ideas.

6.How did you come to be with Cold Spring?

MS: Well, Justin Mitchell is a friend of Troy, truth be told. Although
he is quite a big fan too.

TS: Yes, Justin is a very good friend of mine and we're extremely
similar in many ways. In an industry literally teeming with insincerity

cut-throat businessmen, Justin is a fine example of a genuine music fan
who, over the course of fifteen years, has been able to create a
special and

unique project from something which, as far as he's concerned, will
always be a true labour of love. And for HERR to appear on the same
label as many

of my own favourite bands is, to say the least, something of an honour.
Justin also has a great sense of humour, by the way, as his frequent

Partridge impersonations will testify. In fact, if you're looking for a
suitable quote to drive off a girlfriend or a prospective employer, he's

your man!

7. If you could collaborate with any artist or project who would it be
and why?

MS: Dead or alive? Well, sticking with the presence, I am very much
looking into the possibility of working with an orchestra or some kind

ensemble. This is more functional for HERR than the presence of another
guest-artist; indeed, we are quite happy with the forthcoming

that are already planned: Richard Leviathan (Ostara), Holger Fiala
(Belborn) and Dev (While Angels Watch). Well then, if I could choose
any project...

what about the London Philharmonic?

TS: Interesting question. Something with Chris Walton (Endura) or even
Rammstein, perhaps? Failing that, maybe a Psychedelic number with Nick

Saloman (Bevis Frond) on electric guitar.

8. I see HERR is doing a few live shows. Tell us about that.

MS: Yes, we have presently planned one show and are in negotiation
with several. In a perfect situation, we would show up with a full

(again), but since venues, like us, have to work with a tight budget,
we are currently a band of five:

Oskar van Dijk - Cello

Miklуs Hoffer - Percussion & Vocals

Reinier Jansen - Percussion

Troy Southgate - Percussion, Acoustic Guitar & Vocals

Michiel Spapй - Keyboards / samplers / etc.

We are also trying to get around using several props and background
projections, which we deem more relevant than having a tight outfit or

something that seems so fashionable in this 'scene' today. Being a true
happening, that would be lovely, but we're still working on that.

TS: We're also trying to expand our personal musical repertoire. Miklos
and I are thinking of gradually bringing in some new instruments, or in

case some additional percussion. Not in an attempt to turn HERR into a
drum band, of course, but just to provide a little more diversity
whenever it's


9. Where did the name HERR come from and what is its meaning?

MS: Heilig Europa / Rцmisches Reich, although we have subsequently
changed this into Holy Europe / Rome Reborn. I must admit I have always
had this

fascination for anagrams and word games, so it's probably for the best
that none of our lyrics so far has been written by me.

TS: Once our legions have successfully descended across the face of
Europe, I think Mich should be asked to work in the imperial encryption

department. Like Bletchley Park, but with sandals and a toga. Being a
fan of the bureaucratic nightmare that is 'Brazil' (1985), I'm sure
he'll soon get

into the swing of things.

10. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions, but I detect a strong Heathen
feeling coming from you. Are you an Odinist or Wodanist?

MS: Certainly not. I was raised as a liberal Roman Catholic and am now
an atheist. This does not mean that I don't find religions, especially

religions, fascinating, however - on the contrary. However, I am of the
opinion that religion comes from a deep belief in things, and at least a

deep core of the religious myths should be taken as fully True - not
just symbolic. For example: if you could convince me thatthunder is
caused by some angry god,

I would probably be more inclined to goalong with other words of wisdom
he or you might offer. I will not 'choose'to believe, because, for
instance, some

forefather might have followed thesame path. Believing, in at least
some way, should follow from an intenseKnowing that what you believe
in has at least an essence

of Truth. LikeDescartes' belief in God as undeniably righteous and True
or my own belief in Euclidean space (which may be deniably false, but I
can't do anything but believe in it).

TS: On the whole I would tend to agree, but unlike Mich I wouldn't
claim to be an atheist. It is true, however, that the path to truth and

self-fulfilment can only come from within. Blind faith is not the
answer. But as far as Odinism is concerned, I do have an interest in
both that and

religious belief in general. In fact I took History & Theology at
university and never fail to be fascinated by the whole subject of
spirituality. For

me, one of the most inspiring writers is Mircea Eliade, the well-known
Professor of Comparative Religion. But I have a variety of interests in

field, including a penchant for Tarot reading and runic divination. My
keen interest in the Byzantine Empire also contributed to the lyrics of

songs like 'The Fall of Constantinople' and 'Hagia Sophia'.

11.What other Martial or Neo-Folk bands are you fans of, or influenced

MS: Just this genre? Given the genres lack any definition
anyway,influences may well be: Current 93, Test Department, Romowe

Ophelia's Dream, Ozymandias and that's about it. I try not to be
influenced too much by this genre that already shows signs of

TS: I listen to a wide variety of music, but regarding this genre in
particular, my favourites include Current 93, Ostara, Endura, Puissance,

While Angels Watch, Werkraum, Ozymandias, Belborn, Triarii and

MH: Well , there sure are neofolk and martial artists I like a lot.
Death In June, Sol Invictus, NON/Rice, Spiritual Front, Test Dept I
hold in

high-esteem for example. I don't try to copy anyone - I work in the
vein of now this I like that way and / or that suits this or that piece
very well'.

And the things I appreciate of course influence me. But I listen to a
lot ofstyles - old and new music varying from folk to some techno. I'm
pretty keen

on the dramatic expression of some old progressive rock bands like Van
der Graaf Generator and old Genesis.

12. If you were forced to explain the project to someone who knows
nothing about you, how would you do so?

MS: I do that all the time, in fact, particularly at work
(experimental psychologist/PhD student). I get a fair amount of
understanding with not too

many questions using the following: 'neoclassical music, think of
dramatic classical music or epic soundtracks for example with largely
computer based

music'. This relieves some of the prejudice attached to my appearance
(you are instantly seen as a metal-head if you have long hair),
especially after

playing some of our gentler songs.

TS: Yes, I use a similar form of terminology whenever I'm trying to
explain what we sound like. But I do think that, musically, at least,

very accessible and have now come to the conclusion that HERR is more
Classical than Neoclassical, although the Virgin Megastore strangely

to include us in their Metal category for some reason.

13. Your Web site is so impressive tell us about it and who currently
does the amazing work.

MS: Well, thank you, it is mine. This explains the design that defies
most common rules of usability and the ridiculously long loading times.
I like

working on it when time permits, and I like adding new content that
makes the site more visually interesting, but I am not the kind of
person to spend

hours tweaking all the details or debugging something that can easily
be circumvented. These days, I'm working on the design of the Vondel's
Lucifer booklet too and hoping to

Mix this recurrent love for romanticist statues with photographs I have
taken throughout the seasons from a small patch of forest near my work

pictures that relate to Vondel. It is wonderful to see how every aspect
of human - and therefore angelic - life can be found as well in only a

yards of this park: beauty, coexistence and interrelatedness, hope,
love, and obviously light, but also darkness, corruption, parasite

death and vanity. I hope to show some of this in a future update,
breathe a bit of life back in a hopelessly aging website.

TS: One step up from a strictly text-only website on Yahoo/Geocities
andmy web skills become virtually non-existent. But perhaps that's
because I'm

the oldest member of the group and never even touched a computer until

14. Thank you for the time and please add any closing thoughts here.

MS: One thing I would like to make clear is that we are not a
political project, that HERR is not left, right, or something like
that, even if at

least one of our members is indeed politically engaged. An individual
is, needless to say, not the same as a group, nor vice versa, although
we have

indeed certain similar thoughts on certain issues (such as what makes
good music, for instance). These commonalities may inspire the
listener, who

remains responsible for what he does with this.

TS: I wouldn't say that I'm politically-active, in fact I'm only
interested in the intellectual, spiritual and cultural spheres. These
days I

would consider myself above politics and a lot of my time is spent home-
educating my kids, although some people might argue that this - for

good or ill - is a form of activism in itself. As a closing comment,
however, I would just like to say that politics has no place in our

Indeed, HERR has a very important message to convey and each individual
can interpret that in his or her own inimitable way. Saying that,
although we

are very serious about our work, everything we do is done with a sense
of joviality and comradeship. In that sense, therefore, I like to think

we're very approachable.

3 апреля 2006 г. 17:36:08
HERR Interview
salons.vrn.ru (proxy)

Definitely nice and neat site you got there.

18 февраля 2006 г. 14:23:05
Gira, USA

wijslaju Wam moj perewod na russkom perwie dwa woprosa. Redaktirujte
pojalujsta i snowa wijslajte mne etot text na prowerku smijsla.
S pochitaniem
Wash Kamerad iz Bolgarii


Один разговор с д-р Кребсом

Вопросы поставил наш камерад Пеер В. из Дрездена, Германии, главний
редактор восточноевропейского журнала Щальхельм(STAHLHELM), Сталний

П.В.: Почитаемий г-н Кребс, Вы руководител Туле-Семинара. Какой этот
звучит как что-то тайнственое?.............

П.К.: Я очень рад, что этот разговор начинается со свежим юмором..... в
такое одно время, когда, к сожалению, смех все больше и больше давит
(приседает, в смисл не может воздихать человек, А.Р.) то, кто каждий ден
увидит, что вещи, которие надо пониматся из самих себя, бивает подавлени
так силно (жестко, А.Р.), что только их напоминание равняется на выдание
больших тайнах! Нет никакое чудо, в государство, где масовые медии через
любая абсолютизация Доброго и Плохого, водят к всеобщему мазохизму.
и Плохо вымеряется в это государство, только так – отвергаеш или
и сохраняеш свои родовые корни. Если подразумеваем “тайни “ как все
сегодняшние, отвержени на сторону или цензурирование достижения
естественых наук, если возмем предвид новоустоновление факты современой
истории, то сегодня в Европе несомнено Туле-Семинар является один
тайный союз!... Но нет из заговорщиков и созаклятников, а из молодых
интелектуалов, которые 14-того юля 1980-ом году учредили в Касселе(
Северний Хессен,АР) Туле-Семинара – одна народоизследователская и
образователная(в смисл учеба,АР)общност о индоевропейской културе. Туле
ясно отвергает уже давно сумашидшию теорию о Ориенте лукс(Светлина
Востока), а Семинар указывает к чисто изследователское и научной
етой общности.

П.В.: Так скажем(то есть), “европейский вектор”(в смисл Направление,
плоскость,АР) из самого начале имел особено могучая роля для Вами? Ну,
ето получается?

П.К.: Конечно, Европейское Верую нашей общности, сразу же стало очень
конкретно. Сколко и политическое битие наших сотрудников бийло так
разнородное, в такой степени и много бийли полях наши действия: рядом с
легендарном писателям Jean Gionos бийл и ранше социалист и пацифист, а
потом самий верний французкий есесовец из Хилдесхейма(Hildesheim -
седалище французких Ваффен-СС) - Marc Augier de Saint-Loup; рядом с
бившем бойцом из Френской Сопротиве и популярний политилог Жулиен Фройнд
бийли живущий в вийгнании немец, которий потом стал ведущий в области
психологии – Ханс-Юрген Айзенк и Ректор университета в Буенос-Айрес,
Аргентина – социолог, антрополог и бежанец из Франции – проф. Jacques de
Mahieu; италианский философ Giorgio Locchi и последовател индоеропеиста
проф. Жоржа Дюмезиля (Georges Dumezil)в кафедри о индоевропейских
изследования в Университете Лион, Франция –
Проф. Жан Удри тоже; в Туле-Семинаре действовала тоже и религиоведка и
арабистка Зигрид Хунке. На первий взглад клетва(обет,АР), которая дали
перед собой и Богом ети люди в Делфи, Греция, соединила Дух греческого
Олимпа с Духом древногерманской Валхале, Дух которий непрестанно строит
мостов и единяет!
Редом с тогдашной G.R.E.C.E. еще из самого начала наш Туле-Семинар
поддерживал тесние связи с всех представителей “Новой Културе” в
Европе –
из Женева до Мадрид, из Лисабона до Брюкселя, из Рима, Милано или Торино
до Лондон или Виена. Контакти во Франции своевременно разпрострялись и
осуществили тесние связи с организациями - ”Земля и люди’“(Terre et
Peuple), которая руководил Пиер Виал, белгийская “Thule– Soladidas”, с
предводителям Ralf van der Haute – ето бийл наш еквивалент во Фландрии,
налице бийли живие контактах с Европеских Синергиях смелого англичанина
Michael Walker , наш сотрудник стал бивший главний редактор журнала
G.R.E.C.E. французкого философа Гийом Фай....
Да, европейский Интернационал Новой Култур стал воистина без границ –
сегодня из Загреба и Софии достигает уже до Москве!

следует продолжение

28 января 2006 г. 15:51:35
Thule Seminar
salons.vrn.ru (proxy)